Searching Metrics with Prometheus

Learn how to search through your metrics with Prometheus Using Prometheus Now that you have metrics being pushed to Prometheus via the Grafana Agent you can now look through the data that is being collected. From the Grafana Cloud account home page select Grafana On the left hand side navagate to the explore tab At the top make sure the data source is “Grafanacloud-{name}-prom” You can now enter a PromQL query to search through your metrics If you are not a wizard with PromQL (which I am not) click the “metrics browser” drop down From there you can see all of the metrics that are being collected by Grafana Agent Select one metric and click “Use Query” Prometheus will show you that query and the visualtion of that data These are the queries that you will run in your Grafana dashboards Using this explore tool you can see all of the metrics being collected and start to build PromQL queries to see metics that are important to you....

October 25, 2021 · 1 min · Zach Andrews

Monitoring External Devices with Grafana Cloud

The start of device monitoring Infrastrcture Overview When using Grafana Cloud you have access to: Grafana Prometheus Alert Manager Loki Grafana Agent This post will go over what each of these tools do and how they work together. Grafana Grafana is a dashboard platform that lets you visualize data. It works as a frontend for all of the data that you collect. There is multiple prebuilt dashboards that can be found here...

October 24, 2021 · 1 min · Zach Andrews

Searching Metrics with Prometheus

Learn how to search through your metrics with Prometheus Using Prometheus Now that you have metrics being pushed to Prometheus via the Grafana Agent you can now look through the data that is being collected. From the Grafana Cloud account home page select Grafana On the left hand side navagate to the explore tab At the top make sure the data source is “Grafanacloud-{name}-prom” You can now enter a PromQL query to search through your metrics If you are not a wizard with PromQL (which I am not) click the “metrics browser” drop down From there you can see all of the metrics that are being collected by Grafana Agent Select one metric and click “Use Query” Prometheus will show you that query and the visualtion of that data These are the queries that you will run in your Grafana dashboards Using this explore tool you can see all of the metrics being collected and start to build PromQL queries to see metics that are important to you....

October 22, 2021 · 1 min · Zach Andrews

Setting up Grafana Cloud

A guide on how to setup Grafana Cloud Setting up Grafana Cloud This guide will help you set up a free Grafana Cloud account. First go to Grafana and click “Create free account” Configure your account and log in details Once you create your account log in and click the “My Account” tab This will show you an overview of your resources Getting basic monitoring on your first device Now that you have a Grafana Cloud account set up we can now start gathering metrics....

October 22, 2021 · 2 min · Zach Andrews